Quote Of The Day: Al 'Midas' Gore Edition
"Money! Is that the real purpose of Gore’s many wild exaggerations in An Inconvenient Truth? I begin to think so." -- Richard Karlgaard

Gore's scam is simple, and Karlgaard explains it well in his Forbes piece:
[G]reenies like ... Gore want high carbon taxes. Right now! The idea is to hike taxes and regulations on carbon fuels to the point at which investor dollars and entrepreneurial sweat will pour into alternative energy investments. Right now.Like so much of the environmental disaster biz, the scam is so transparent and the alternate truth is so obvious that to compensate we simply must re-cast P.T. Barnum's famous quote: "There's a thousand suckers born every minute."
Money! Is that the real purpose of Gore’s many wild exaggerations in An Inconvenient Truth? I begin to think so. Why else would Gore distort the truth by an order of magnitude?
Any less and the sucker quotient will be far too small to support the Greenie and Warmie movements.
Labels: Al Gore, Climate change, Global warming
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