Watcher's Council Links

Here are the links to the posts put forward by Council members:
- They Should Get Out More from The Glittering Eye, about NYT ignorance of things Chinese
- Desegregation Consternation by The Colossus of Rhodey, on school desegregation in Delaware
- The Beast Among Us from Eternity Road, on Imus and victimhood
- Recognizing That There Is Another Side to the Coin by Bookworm Room, on being an atheist and a Conservative
- Happy Netted Nose by Done With Mirrors, on Imus and double standards
- Hero and Villain by Soccer Dad, on everyone's new hero, Liviu Librescu, and others
- Media At Its Worst On Display At Virginia Tech from me, on the larger implications of the horrible way the media behaved at Virginia Tech
- Principal Pornstar Meets Ms. Horndog the Teacher by The Education Wonks, about that principal and that teacher you probably heard about
- Hokie Horror by Rhymes With Right, memories of Virginia Tech and reflections on the events
- When Sorry Is Really... ‘Sorry’. by Joshuapundit, four high-profile cases where apologies were made, and the deeper implications within
- Fighting Back Was Not an Option, Part 2 by Big Lizards, in which he warns off those who aren't yet ready for hard talk on Virginia Tech, then talks hard
- Confession: I Hate Democracy from Right Wing Nut House, about Democracy (which he doesn't hate) and taxes (well ...)
- BREAKING: Present At the Bombing from Pajamas Media
- Brown-Out: "Diversity," Inclusion, Segregation, Discrimination from Discriminations
- A Few Thoughts on Female Leadership from Western Survival
- VA Tech & the Vampire Media from CDR Salamander
- Anthrax: Some New Findings from American Thinker
- Bill Clinton Grabs Some Contributions for Hillary from Pillage Idiot
- The Laughter in the Dark from The Belmont Club (my nomination)
- The Murderous Repetitions of the Historically Ignorant from Gates of Vienna
- Please Give it a Rest from the nicely named Gone Mild
- The Proper Way to Die from Freedom's Cost
- And Yet There Are Heroes from Claremont's The Remedy
- Tax Day Self-Congratulations from The QandO Blog
- Professional Revertard Yvonne Ridley Misquotes, Misrepresents Self. from Tao of Defiance
- Disease Good? from Dodgeblogium
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