Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Watcher's Council Links

Looks like I've got some great reading ahead of me; the new Watcher's links are out!

Here are the links to the posts put forward by Council members:

  1. They Should Get Out More from The Glittering Eye, about NYT ignorance of things Chinese
  2. Desegregation Consternation by The Colossus of Rhodey, on school desegregation in Delaware
  3. The Beast Among Us from Eternity Road, on Imus and victimhood
  4. Recognizing That There Is Another Side to the Coin by Bookworm Room, on being an atheist and a Conservative
  5. Happy Netted Nose by Done With Mirrors, on Imus and double standards
  6. Hero and Villain by Soccer Dad, on everyone's new hero, Liviu Librescu, and others
  7. Media At Its Worst On Display At Virginia Tech from me, on the larger implications of the horrible way the media behaved at Virginia Tech
  8. Principal Pornstar Meets Ms. Horndog the Teacher by The Education Wonks, about that principal and that teacher you probably heard about
  9. Hokie Horror by Rhymes With Right, memories of Virginia Tech and reflections on the events
  10. When Sorry Is Really... ‘Sorry’. by Joshuapundit, four high-profile cases where apologies were made, and the deeper implications within
  11. Fighting Back Was Not an Option, Part 2 by Big Lizards, in which he warns off those who aren't yet ready for hard talk on Virginia Tech, then talks hard
  12. Confession: I Hate Democracy from Right Wing Nut House, about Democracy (which he doesn't hate) and taxes (well ...)
And as you probably understand by now, each Council member submits a non-council link, and there's a mechanism for self-nominating:
  1. BREAKING: Present At the Bombing from Pajamas Media
  2. Brown-Out: "Diversity," Inclusion, Segregation, Discrimination from Discriminations
  3. A Few Thoughts on Female Leadership from Western Survival
  4. VA Tech & the Vampire Media from CDR Salamander
  5. Anthrax: Some New Findings from American Thinker
  6. Bill Clinton Grabs Some Contributions for Hillary from Pillage Idiot
  7. The Laughter in the Dark from The Belmont Club (my nomination)
  8. The Murderous Repetitions of the Historically Ignorant from Gates of Vienna
  9. Please Give it a Rest from the nicely named Gone Mild
  10. The Proper Way to Die from Freedom's Cost
  11. And Yet There Are Heroes from Claremont's The Remedy
  12. Tax Day Self-Congratulations from The QandO Blog
  13. Professional Revertard Yvonne Ridley Misquotes, Misrepresents Self. from Tao of Defiance
  14. Disease Good? from Dodgeblogium

