Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Uzbekistan Clamps Down On Christians

Now that everyone's safe (well, that's an overstatement!), I'll pass along this news received from a friend with missionary contacts in Uzbekistan. It's a follow-up on an earlier email I didn't feel comfortable forwarding that detailed the arrests of five native Christians on Easter Sunday:
Uzbekistan update: praise! The 5 guys arrested have been released. They were harrassed and threatened but for the most part physically unharmed. The trouble isn't over, however, as there may be a court case brought against them. They are being told that they will be fined around $175. This is an absurd amount when the average monthly wage is below $50. Several others have had their passports taken which means that they will also face some kind of procedural problems in trying to get them back and likely will be fined.

Fines are a really big deal as the economic situation in Uzbekistan continues to worsen, jobs are scarce and job security is nil.
Welcome to the Islamic theocratic model. While the country falls apart economically, the government is more concerned with quashing hope and repressing freedom than in caring for its people.

My friend and I ask for your prayers for the persecuted Christians in Uzbekistan and throughout the Muslim world.

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