Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, April 27, 2007

Hiding From Sharia Law

Where's GLAAD? They're apparently too busy preparing for tomorrow night's Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Media Awards to take note of some very real -- as opposed to their usual perceived outrages -- threats against lesbians.

Also mum: The ACLU, Human Rights Watch (both too busy bashing the U.S.) and the entire state of Massachusetts (taking off for a gay wedding). But BBC has the story:
A Nigerian lesbian who "married" four women last weekend in Kano State has gone into hiding from the Islamic police, with her partners.

Under Sharia law, adopted in the state seven years ago, homosexuality and same-sex marriages are outlawed and considered very serious offences. (Sing along with me, "Everybody, let's get stones!")

The theatre where the elaborate wedding celebration was held on Sunday has been demolished by Kano city's authorities.

Lesbianism is also illegal under Nigeria's national penal code. ...

Islam says a man can take up to four wives if he is able to support them.

"As defenders of the Sharia laws, we shall not allow this unhealthy development to take root in the state," the Hisbah's deputy commander Ustaz Abubakar Rabo told Nigeria's This Day newspaper.

Mr Rabo told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that if the women were found guilty of lesbianism they faced one of two punishments.

For a married woman the offence would be considered adultery for which the punishment is death by stoning. A single woman would be caned.
For moral and societal reasons, I'm all for not letting lesbian or gay marriages take root, but stoning or caning? Only Islam forces its beliefs on others with such brutality.

The gay community, dominated as it is by Libs, has not been completely silent on the issue, but you have to dig pretty deep into the GLAAD site to find only a little exposure of what goes on behind the Allah Curtain -- and when you find it, it's decidedly strange, like this story:

Human Rights Watch: Iranian Teens Were Hanged for Rape, Not Gay Sex But Questions Remain
by Rex Wockner

The two male teenagers hanged in Mashad, Iran, July 19 were executed not for having sex with each other, as has been reported, but for raping a 13-year-old boy, Human Rights Watch is claiming.

The New York Times and the Times of London separately reported the same thing.

Mahmoud Asgari, 18, and Ayaz Marhoni, 19, allegedly raped the boy at least 14 months prior to their executions, meaning at least one, and perhaps both, of them were minors at the time. ...

So, if they were hanged for rape instead of being gay, is Sharia all right with the gay community? And if they were hanged for being gay, what's' GLAAD to do about it? The organization's Web site is full of solicitation for funds and calls to action -- but its Muslim/Arab American page includes no calls to action against Islam's inhumanity to gays.

It's a tough trap for the gay/lesbian/whatever community: Speak out against Islamic extremism and align with all the Bush-buddies, or let the Islamists kill the gays and keep your liberal banner waving proud.

Decisions, decisions ...

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