Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A World Apart

From Baghdad, we learn:
U.S. forces have captured a senior aide to anti-American Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr over the killing of five U.S. soldiers in the Iraqi holy city of Kerbala in January, the U.S. military said on Thursday.

"Over the past several days, coalition forces in Basra and Hilla captured Qais Khazaali, his brother Laith Khazaali, and several other members of the Khazaali network, an organization directly connected to the kidnapping and murder in January of five American soldiers in Kerbala," the military said in a statement.
Double-good! The Surge continues to net big results as our troops press on, and some really bad guys who deserved to be caught and brought to justice for their heinous crimes are in our hands.

Meanwhile, from DC we learn:
House debate on an anti-war measure was expected to begin Thursday, with a vote the following day, while a Senate committee planned to vote Thursday on a similar measure.
The Dems are having a hard time assembling votes even to pass their symbolic protests, and they're far short of enough support to override a veto. Yet they press on.

Ask yourself, "Who's the more effective, our troops in Iraq who are fighting beautifully despite what's going on in Washington, or the leaders of the Democrat party, who are fighting blindly despite what's going on in Iraq?"

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