Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, February 05, 2007

Our Crumbling Civilization: Not So Clean Coed Edition

One wonders: Why would a parent send a beloved child to a school where couples doing it in showers has become so routine the administration protests only when the activities are too loud or cause flooding:
... a randy couple's frolic in a shower at one of Yale's undergraduate residential colleges prompted a professor to issue an e-mail of protest, which in turn has sparked debate on the Internet.

With the subject line "Shower Stalls are for Showering," the e-mail begins "OK, well THIS is the most awkward college-wide e-mail I've ever had to send." (AP)
Why? What's awkward about it? That you're actually trying to discipline students?

Yale officials told The Associated Press on Friday that the e-mail was sent Jan. 30 by Professor Jonathan Holloway, master of Calhoun College, one of 12 residential colleges at the Ivy League university. ...

His e-mail warns against "intimate activity" in the showers, "especially that kind of activity that leaves the showers in a decidedly less hygienic state.

"Several times since the start of the spring term some Hounies have come across a couple having the time of their lives in a shower stall," the e-mail stated, referring to the nickname for college residents. "Last night, the shower flooded and the bathroom could not be used for over 90 minutes. To the as yet unidentified couple, this may be pleasurable and exciting for you, but it is a violation of community standards. Please stop."

"What community standards?" any sane person would be asking now. Yale and other colleges have denied standards for years, both academic (affirmative action, leniency for athletes), and social, have let students push every limit without restraint -- except, of course, for the unspoken ban on allowing a conservative voices to be heard.
The note, first reported Friday by the New Haven Register, ended with a warning to the frolicking couple: "I really don't want to explore this matter any further, as I respect your individual privacy. But such continued brazen public displays of affection will only invite public embarrassment. I beg of you, let's not go there."
Why should he respect their privacy if they don't respect others'? He is really saying, "I don't want to know who you are." Because if he knew, he might actually have to face them and violate the most sacred of all liberal traditions: Don't feel bad.

At the other extreme -- all it "Their Repressive Civilization" -- there's this news today out of Saudi Arabia:
A Saudi Arabian judge sentenced 20 foreigners to receive lashes and spend several months in prison after convicting them of attending a party where alcohol was served and men and women danced, a newspaper reported Sunday.

The defendants were among 433 foreigners, including some 240 women, arrested by the kingdom's religious police for attending the party in Jiddah, the state-guided newspaper Okaz said. It did not identify the foreigners, give their nationalities or say when the party took place.

Judge Saud al-Boushi sentenced the 20 to prison terms of three to four months and ordered them to receive an unspecified number of lashes, the newspaper said. They have the right to appeal, it added.

The prosecutor general charged the 20 with "drinking, arranging for impudent party, mixed dancing and shooting a video for the party," Okaz said.

The paper said the rest of those arrested were awaiting trial. (AP)

So much for the fun life of Sharia law. From the account, there was no nudity and certainly no doing it in the showers -- just men and women dancing in the presense of alcohol. You know, the kind of stuff Saudi princes do all the time when they're overseas.

Liberal American academia can't draw a standard, resulting in the kind of behavior that drives fundamental Islam crazy. Fundamental Islam represses freedom, hangs homosexuals, stones adultresses (but lets adulterers off) and lashes party-goers, resulting in not even a wimper from American academia.

"Feel good. We must feel good!" they mumble. "Let's take a shower together and forget all this unpleasantness. And remember -- Bush is evil."

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