Our Crumbling Civilization: Baby Club Edition

A woman used her 4-week-old baby as a weapon in a domestic dispute, swinging the infant through the air and striking her boyfriend with the child, authorities said.Chytoria is so far removed from the American ideal of motherhood that it is difficult to imagine how she was able to live 27 years in this nation and still consider a baby's head as a useful tool of violence.
The boy was in serious but stable condition Monday at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, police said.
"Never, never, never. I can never remember anything like this," District Attorney Bradley Foulk told the Erie Times-News.
Chytoria Graham, 27, of Erie, was charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and simple assault. She was held Monday in the Erie County Jail in lieu of $75,000 bail.
The infant, whose name was not released, suffered a fractured skull and some bleeding in the brain, authorities said. His head hit Graham's boyfriend, the baby's father, police Lt. Dan Spizarny said. (AP via Breitbart)
My Incredible Wife treated the heads of our three Incredible Daughters as if they were ripe plums -- loving care and sensitive concern she had inherited from her mother and a string of fine Scandinavian mothers going back into the mists time. I don't remember for sure, but I imagine my mom, a perfect WASP with 50% German and 50% English blood, took pretty good care of my head. My older bother, not so much.
Chytoria is evidence of a breakdown of maternal heritage; no other explanation is available for her action. Awful as her behavior was, it's not entirely removed from other behavior we see from moms nowdays: allowing their children to become grossly obese, leaving them as latchkey children, smoking dope with them -- you name it.
Maternalism is becoming another victim of our crumbling civilization.
Related Tags: Motherhood, Culture, Morality, Child endangerment, Child abuse
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