Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, October 06, 2006

Air America Scam: Guilty!

Radio Equalizer, who's been tracking "the fishy 2004 transfer of $875,000 in taxpayer funds from the former Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club to the liberal Air America Radio Network" since the story broke (and who provided the fine art), runs down today's news of two "no-jail plea deals" by former Gloria Wise execs. His summation:
Finally, some accountability in the Bronx, even if it isn't nearly enough.
I particularly liked the reference in the NYPost report -- that's the paper that did a good job of reporting the scandal while the NYT slept -- to the fine liberal leadership provided by the indictees:
Managers of the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club in The Bronx looted the charity and used $1.2 million in taxpayer money for luxury cars, home renovations and start-up cash for lefty radio network Air America, a two-year investigation has found.

The bombshell probe by the city Department of Investigation was made public yesterday as two of Gloria Wise's top former officials took a no-jail plea deal - admitting in Bronx Supreme Court they stole as much as $150,000 from programs meant for kids, the elderly and the disabled.
The NYT, which did a stellar job of ignoring the story when it first broke, used the excuse that it was merely an investigation. It kept its word, running a two-clicker today. You'll find it on their home page; scroll way down to NY/Region, where it's the second headline. Air America is mentioned at the end of paragraph six.

Art disclaimer: Al Franken was never found to have fore-knowledge of the scam, rather, as Radio Equalizer points out,
... what we did prove was that Franken knew about it before he claimed on the air and that he pushed for a huge raise while the company was trying to figure out how to handle the mess, before it became public.
More fine liberal leadership.

Hat-tip: memeorandum
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