Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, July 23, 2006

We Hire Aliens

This guy, from a company called S'no Pressure ,is probably feeling a little pressure now that this photo of him at an alien worker pick-up spot is all over the internet, thanks to

The site brags, "There are currently 1,977 employers in 46 states currently listed on who 'allegedly' hire illegal aliens." You can use the site to search for employers of illegals, and to contact them to tell them what you think of their practices. One such employer was turned around by the exposure:
"I just wanted to let you know that we found out we were on this website and investigated what had been reported. I am a new owner of this business and was not aware of the hiring practices that had been going on. We took over this businesss in January of this year. In my finds I had found that we did have illegal aliens working at our restaurant. I let go 20 employees within one work day due to illigitimate papers. "
--Chad Head, Corky's BBQ, Brentwood, TN

The information posted is quite complete, like this post on Norfleet, an used car and truck operation in Middleton, Indiana. Kenny Norfleet, left, is not a big operator, for sure, but that's the power of the Internet: It can turn an eye on anyone. On the site, Norfleet contests the charge, and an entry immediately follows, with evidence contrary to Norfleet's allegations. Powerful stuff.

Big problems are rarely solved with big solutions; rather, there is a shifting of the tide of public opinion and public action that creates a new environment and a series of solutions. This is certainly at work on the illegal alien/border issue. The Senate may daudle, but the people have moved on, and are not going to let the matter stand.

hat-tip: OCBlog
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