Brit TV To Air "Wank-A-Thon"
I was all ready to pillory Europe for acting superior to we crass and lowly Americans, while actually being even more disgusting than us. But then I saw this bright idea came from San Francisco, where the Center for Sex and Culture uses the concept to raise funds for "safe sex" charities.
So, instead, let's file this in the "General Fall of Civilization" category. And let's usher this kids out of the room; this is definitely reading for adults only. From the Guardian:
Prizes will be offered; I'll leave the categories to your imagination. And I'll avoid the obvious, disgusting wordplays.
Channel Four is pretty excited about the show, says their spokesperson:
Masturbation is like marijuana -- a gateway drug to a painful addiction. To celebrate it, to show it, to make it all fun and games is a crime against society. For the record, this crime is being carried out by a public service television station. It does not receive British tax dollars, however; rather, its frequencies were given to it free by an act of Parliament, but it must raise its funding through advertising and other commercial ventures.
Related Tags: Masturbation, Wank-a-thon
So, instead, let's file this in the "General Fall of Civilization" category. And let's usher this kids out of the room; this is definitely reading for adults only. From the Guardian:
Channel 4 is to bring mass public masturbation to the small screen.Why would they? Because they're godless hedonists? Possibly.The broadcaster - once led by Michael Grade, dubbed "pornographer in chief" by the Daily Mail - has commissioned a documentary about the UK's first "masturbate-a-thon" as part of a series of programmes dubbed "Wank week", can reveal.
In what must surely be one of the summer's more bizarre events, hundreds of people are expected to gather in a hall in central London on August 5 to pleasure themselves in aid of charity.
Prizes will be offered; I'll leave the categories to your imagination. And I'll avoid the obvious, disgusting wordplays.
Channel Four is pretty excited about the show, says their spokesperson:
"Following on from the success of 'Penis week', we feel this is exactly the type of provocative and mischievous programming that Channel 4 should be covering in the 11pm slot. Masturbation is something many people do but not many people talk about."And so it should be; it's not for public conversation, let alone display. But leave it to MSM profit motive to trounce "as it should be" and replace it with "whatever lowbrow, mind-polluting, morality-destroying trash that will make us money."
Masturbation is like marijuana -- a gateway drug to a painful addiction. To celebrate it, to show it, to make it all fun and games is a crime against society. For the record, this crime is being carried out by a public service television station. It does not receive British tax dollars, however; rather, its frequencies were given to it free by an act of Parliament, but it must raise its funding through advertising and other commercial ventures.
Related Tags: Masturbation, Wank-a-thon
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