Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Here's Cause To Celebrate!

The scummy excuse for a human being who murdered and mutilated Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas Tucker has been killed.
A Jordanian who killed two U.S. soldiers last month was fatally wounded in a clash with security forces, a senior Iraqi official said Tuesday. Diyar Ismail Mahmoud, known as Abu al-Afghani, was identified as the killer of the two soldiers, National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie told reporters. ...

During the news conference, al-Rubaie also said security forces detained the leaders of the Omar Brigade group, a wing of al-Qaida in Iraq that had claimed to have carried many deadly attacks throughout the country.

He identified the group's leader as Jassim Mohammed, known as Abu Othman, his deputy Abu Aisha, who was in charge of financing the group, and Abu Ihab, who was in charge of recruitment. The fourth was Abu Islam, who was in charge of religious affairs, al-Rubaie said.

"The Omar Brigade is one of the death squads," al-Rubaie said, adding that the group was responsible for the deadly bombing in Baghdad's eastern neighborhood of Sadr City on July 1 that killed 66 people. (source)

I hope Diyar Ismail Mahmoud (note that the initials spell "dim") suffered mightily and died slowly.

Breaking up this cell is just another of the many things Lefties and Dems have to ignore as they continue to criticize our military for the execution of the war in Iraq.

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