Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why I Sometimes Hate California

It's a great state, don't get me wrong. Just too many stupid, wayward, backward, ward- of- the- state oughttabe Democrats. Get this!
The state Senate on Thursday spoke out in favor of a boycott of schools and jobs planned by immigration activists for Monday.

Senators approved a resolution officially recognizing the nationwide protest, which will include rallies in cities throughout California and the United States.

The resolution was submitted by Gloria Romero, who represents a number of heavily Hispanic areas of LA. You can email her at gloria.romero@ She said the resolution doesn't ask students and workers to stay home ... how nice ... but says the boycott:
"is to educate people in California and across the United States about the tremendous contribution immigrants make on a daily basis to our society and economy."
The vote, of course, was on party lines.

Can we just boycott the California legislature for a day? You know, not really endorse leaving school or skipping work, but just "educate people in California and across the United States about the tremendous frustration we have with electeds who refuse to listen to electors because they see immigrants as the constituency of last resort to save their pathetic party."

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