Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

800,000 March For Lebanon Freedom

The Lebanon Star reports 500,000 people turned out for today's anti-Syrian, pro-freedom rally in Beirut. The London Times quoted police sources saying it was 800,000.

Will it re-spark the anti-Hezbollah, anti-Syria, pro-democracy movement in Lebanon?

The Star's story makes one think it's a possibility:
  • A convoy of 1,500 vehicles left Sidon for Beirut
  • 300 physicians and nurses stood in their white coats in a moment of silence.
  • Fishermen had Hariri's picture tied to their fishing gear.
  • Volunteers from the Future Movement guided traffic.
  • "Hariri is on my heart and in my mind," said an 70-year-old shopkeeper, who decorated her candy shop with his picture and Lebanese flags.
The London Times summed up, "Anti-Syrian groups ... stepped up demands for the resignation of Lebanon's pro-Syrian president. But it remained unclear if they will be able to consolidate control of the government."

Yes, gaining control is tough -- especially when Hezbollah is targeting the anti-Syrian movement's leaders in its continuing bomb attacks -- but we can only hope that the people of Lebanon will succeed in driving out all the scoundrels, Syrian and home-grown alike.