Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 09, 2005

Huffinpuff Loses All Context

Under the bold headline, What Planet is Bill Clinton Living On?, Ariana Huffinpuff lets it out that she's apparently been living on Neptune lately herself.

She's fuming over something Clinton said on Larry King Live, which was:
“Whether you were for it or against it or whatever your opinions of it are to date, every American ought to be pulling for this mission to succeed.”
Which she meets with:
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I'm not making this up. That's exactly what she wrote; I cut and pasted it. Well, Ariana, you're not from this country, so let me talk real slow and explain it to you: Whether you were for the war in Iraq or against it, or whatever, every American ought to be pulling for this mission to succeed.

Call it recognizing the enemy, call it patriotism, call it supporting the troops.

But she just Huffs on, quoting Clinton again:
“All you have to do is remember this terrible terrorist attack in Jordan that was launched from the Sunni section of Iraq to know that."
Clear enough, but not to Airy-ana:
Huh? You lost me there, Bill. Are you suggesting that we need to fight them over there so that they won’t blow up weddings in Jordan?
Not quite, but a pretty good guess for a self-righteous, rattle-brained pundette, Huffy.

It's more like this. One, yes, it is far better for America to keep the terrorists busy over there instead of over here. And Great Big Two, elements of the Sunnis -- the Baathists, the Iranians -- are pulling off some really, really bad stuff. And they want to do more and more really bad stuff, but fortunately, we keep getting in their way.

We keep getting in their way, Huffie, because we're over there, not over here taking white flag waving lessons from the French.

Succeeding is what we should be focused on, Ms. Neptune, not on the DNC's bright campaign idea of nonstop negativity.