Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Gilchrist Loses Big To Campbell

Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist proved to be not a serious candidate during the runoff for Chris Cox's seat -- a bit too tinfoil-hat for the conservative Republicans of Newport Beach.

Frequent Hugh-guest John Campbell will no longer be the smartest man in Sacramento, as ahe heads of to DC as Cal's newest Congressman. Campbell got nearly 45% of the vote, with Dem Steve Young getting 25 and Gilchrist 21. (source)

According to the OCRegister, Campbell's legislative agenda involves working on immigration reform, seeking federal spending limits similar to those he advocated at the state level and paying a lot of attention to tax reform. Utterly devoid of tin hats, Campbell is more likely to accomplish those goals than Gilchrist.