Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

No Bias In The Media? Ask MoveOn.Org! knows what it likes: Compliant, left-leaning journalists and editors who will give credibility to their anti-establishment rants. And they know where to find those journalists: At the Chicago Tribune's newspapers. Am I being extreme? Perhaps. Do I have proof? Yes.

The organiztion has launched a massive e-mail petition drive to urge the ChiTrib Co. not to cut staff sizes at its papers: The Trib, the Baltimore Sun and the LATimes, liberal mouthpieces all. Here's the petition for LATimes readers to sign:
“Don't cut newspaper staff at the Los Angeles Times. As corporate owners in Chicago reap large profits from the Times, there is no excuse for them to force our paper to abandon its responsibility to deliver strong watchdog journalism to the public.” (source)
Got it? Profit is a bad thing to the activist branch of the Democratic party. Their economic model would strip corporations of their ability to compete and survive, so that the noble working class (or elitist, Ivy League-educated reporter) can keep their jobs and benefits. Better to go out of businesses trying to keep an over-staffed, money-losing, behemoth afloat than make the cuts needed to stay profitable.

Interesting position, given that's founders, Wesley Boyd and his wife Joan Blades, profited quite handsomely themselves from their software company, Berkeley Systems Inc. of (where else?) Berkeley. They made a fortune of the "flying toaster" screensaver and a line of CD-ROM based computer games.

They sold the company for $13.8 million -- and spent the money on instead of providing for the ongoing support of the workers they no longer needed.

The left is nothing if not hypocritical.