Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, December 05, 2005

This Is Troubling

Via Memeorandum, news that there are more Iraqis than foreigners in some insurgency battlegrounds like Ramadi. The UK's Telegraph reports:
Of 1,300 suspected insurgents arrested over the past five months in and around Ramadi, none has been a foreigner. Col John Gronski, senior officer in the town, Anbar's provincial capital, said that almost all insurgent fighting there was by Iraqis. Foreigners provided only money and logistical support.

"The foreign fighters are staying north of the [Euphrates] river, training and advising, like the Soviets were doing in Vietnam," he said.
We do not want to be in a position of killing Iraqis in the name of democracy; it's not a sustainable position. The article is based on quotes from three US officers gleaned from field interviews. That leaves it in the "troubling but anecdotal" category.