Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, December 05, 2005

No Peace From Palestinians

Whatever concessions they're given, it's never enough:

Four people were killed and 66 were wounded - three seriously - in an explosion that rocked the entrance to the Hasharon shopping mall on Herzl Street in Netanya at 11:25 a.m. Monday morning. Another person died on the operating table at Laniado Hospital in Netanya.

Police Insp.-Gen. Moshe Karadi told reporters that the bomber was "identified 15 meters in front of the mall by policemen and a security guard. Police managed to keep him away from the gate, and he blew himself up when police approached him to conduct a search of his bags."

According to Karadi, "Members of the security services were hurt in the event," but "the actions of the guards and the police prevented a much more deadly bombing." ...

The Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the attack in a phone call to Palestinian journalists, identifying the bomber as Lutfi Amin Abu Salem, a resident of the northern West Bank village of Kafr Rai, located between the towns of Jenin and Tulkarm.

Imad Abu Diab, a leader of the Islamic Jihad in Tulkarm, told The Jerusalem Post that "the tahdiya (or "calm") no longer exists and that operations against Israel will continue as long as there is occupation." (Jerusalem Post)

The settlers who were forced to evacuate their homes in Gaza in the name of peace must look at this destruction and wonder.

Israpundit says:
The time has long since passed for Israel to end this maddening "cycle of violence" that only leaves the Jewish People and State with more and more dead Jews to bury and mourn, and countless broken lives and hearts left in its wake.

It has to stop, and if the Government of Israel is not prepared to do so, then it must step aside and let others who are all too willing and able take their stead and put an end to this war of destruction against the Jewish State and bring a true and lasting peace to Israel, the Jewish People, and the entire region.
h/t Memeorandum