Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, December 05, 2005

Epochal Atheist Idiocy

OK, sure, not all atheists are big fat jerks. We know at least one very nice atheist. But some are, like these U. of Texas at San Antonio students who are happy to give you a bit of pornif you'll give them your Bible.

Here's the explanation, lifted from Taranto's Best of the Web:
A group of atheists at UTSA [the University of Texas at San Antonio] was asking students to exchange bibles for porn magazines Wednesday, and that has made some religious leaders angry. . . .

"We consider The Bible to be a very negative force in the history of the world," student Ryan Walker said. He is part of a student group calling itself the "Atheist Agenda."

Club members were on campus asking students to exchange religious materials for pornographic magazines like Black Label and Playboy.
If these nuts would take a moment to study history, then to consider a world without the Bible, instead of just spouting the pap of anti-Christian faculty, the world would have three better people in it.

Photo credit: BoingBoing