Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Supreme Bias

Today AP ran a story on Judge Alito getting qualified support from Dem Gang of 14 member Ben Nelson. Near the bottom, we find:
[Alito] was nominated to replace White House counsel Harriet Miers, who withdrew last week after conservatives and anti-abortion groups refused to support her nomination and questioned whether she was qualified.
The quote is a re-statement of the Lib/Dem talking point that the "far right wing of the Republican party" forced Miers' resignation. Certainly, they were influential, but it's clear that key senators were working behind the scenes to scrub Miers, and it's also clear that her response to the Senate questionnaire and here speeches supporting a liberal view of the judiciary turned many mainstream GOPers against her.

AP kept true to the wingnut message strategy and simply blamed it on the "far right."