Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

All About Dems Closing The Senate

Here's what you need to know about the Dem's move today to close the Senate:

1. Dem Senators were itching to behave and speak in a manner that they didn't want their constituents to see on network television.

2. The motion to close the senate was made by Harry Reid, who's been known to tell lies ...

... this big.

3. The motion was seconded by Dick Durbin, who is a recognized expert ... saying stupid things that put our troops at risk.

4. Dems are ticked off, really ticked off, that their Fitz-fantasies didn't play out. They were hoping to leverage big indictments into some serious grandstanding, and losing that opportunity led to this grandstanding.

5. A Senate investigation of WMDs is fine and dandy ... after our troops are no longer at risk. The Senate didn't investigate the events leading up to Pearl Harbor while our enemies were trying to kill our troops.

6. A simple majority vote will shut off this silliness.