Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Inventor Of Borking On Alito

Necessity is the mother of invention, and Sen. Kennedy is one mother of an inventor. Faced with a SCOTUS nominee that pleases the conservatives who hold America's power, Kennedy lets loose with some whoppers:
  • "The far right has now forced the President to choose a nominee that they think has views as extreme as their own."
  • "Justice O'Connor ... was able to unite and strengthen our country through her careful, non-ideological approach to the law."
  • If confirmed, Alito could very well [place] at risk decades of American progress in safeguarding our fundamental rights and freedoms."
  • "President Bush ... apparently ... couldn't find a woman or minority or a mainstream nominee that meets the litmus tests of the right wing, and instead put forth a nominee with a troubling record on the rights and freedoms important to America's families.
  • And the biggest whopper of all, " The Senate will now fulfill its constitutional role and conduct ... fair hearings."
Granted, this isn't the level of toxicity with which Kennedy met the Bork nomination, but the codes in these comments let us know it's coming.

Kennedy will attack on the well-rutted Dem lines: divisiveness, race-baiting, baby-killing and truth-distorting. It's all nicely packaged in his introduction to the battle.