Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Maybe You Can Help

Just when I'm beginning to get my arms around the big questions of the day, the Dems get me all confused again. Maybe you can help me figure this out ...

The previous 53 closed sessions conducted by the Senate were mutually agreed to because the subject matter demanded confidential treatment -- impeachments, treaties, and national security. (source)

Today's session was called unilateraly because, as I understand it, the Libby indictment triggered the need to push for the completion of the Senate investigation into how WMDs intelligence played into the build-up to the war.

How exactly are the two connected? Fitz was investigating who outted Plame, not WMDs and the case for war. And how does the failure to find evidence of spy-outting constitute any of the above reasons for Senate closure, even national security?

I'm sure I'll figure that out pretty soon. And when I do, I'll turn to why Reid said he was shutting down the Senate because the Intelligence Committee hasn't released the next phase of its report on WMDs and the war, even though Sen. Intelligence Committee Chair Pat Roberts just told the Dems on Monday that the report should be done next week.

Maybe I'm just one of those dumb hick conservatives those guys on the leftyblogs are always talking about, because this one's way over my head.