Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, October 14, 2005


Commenting on a recent piece by former Carter Natonal Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski piece in the LATimes that was highly critical of President Bush's efforts in Iraq, Victor Davis Hansen writes for NRO:
Aside from the unintended irony that ... such criticism comes from a high official of an administration that witnessed on its watch the Iranian-hostage debacle, the disastrous rescue mission, the tragicomic odyssey of the terminally ill shah, the first and last Western Olympic boycott, oil hikes even higher in real dollars than the present spikes, Communist infiltration into Central America, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Cambodian holocaust, a gloomy acceptance that perpetual parity with the Soviet Union was the hope of the day, the realism that cemented our ties with corrupt autocracies in the Middle East (Orwellian sales of F-15 warplanes to the Saudis minus their extras), and the hard-to-achieve simultaneous high unemployment, high inflation, and high interest rates, Mr. Brzezinski is at least a valuable barometer of the current pessimism over events such as September 11.
Hansen ends with a series of questions -- Is our security at home getting better, and do we understand radical Islam more or less perfectly? Are Middle East neutrals like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan more or less helpful in the war against the terrorists? -- the answers to which all underscore the success of the Bush policy.

h/t Real Clear Politics