Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, June 13, 2005

Spin Meter: Duncan Hunter on Gitmo

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday, San Diego GOP Congressman Duncan Hunter blew Human Rights Watch's Tom Malinowski out of the water by simply referring to the menu at Guantanamo.

As Chris Wallace's viewers heard menus for terrorists of lemon roasted fish and honey baked chicken, with fresh fruit and mushroom rice pilaf, it reduced Malinowski's allegations to the byproduct of a bull's menu.

Hunter followed up with other items: Calling Muslims to prayer five times a day over Gitmo's loudspeaker system (where's the ACLU!?), painting squeeky boards so guards don't step on them during prayer, and handling Korans with two gloved hands. Against this reality, Malinowski could only mutter ineffectively.
Spin Meter
1 - Feel free to walk around the cabin
2 - Mild turblence
3 - Barely holding onto control
4 - Dangerous tailspin
5 - Crashed and burned
Hunter scored big on what is becoming the best Sunday news show.