Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Another Silly Koran Flap

Islam, the religion that brought us "Death to all infidels!" and "Death to all Jews!" sure is sensitive when the same language is directed at them.

From PRWeek, which is available to subscribers only:
Muslims Seek Public Apology
From Amazon Over Koran Flub's response to a Muslim customer who received a vandalized copy of the Koran is good, but not good enough, said a Muslim civil rights organization.

Los Angeles graduate student Azza Basarudin ordered a used copy of the Muslim holy book through Amazon from a third-party vendor. The words 'Death to all Muslims' were scrawled inside the front cover.

Many third parties sell used books through Amazon. The company that sold the Koran is Bellwether Books, which has said it was originally sold to them vandalized, and it did not know the book was defaced when it was sent to Basarudin.

'Once we heard about the incident, we contacted Bellwether Books,' said Patty Smith, Amazon's director of corporate communications. 'They were very responsive and apologized.'

Amazon has also refunded the book's purchase price, and it sent Basarudin a brand new copy of the Koran, along with a gift certificate with an apology.

But the Muslim Public Affairs Council wants a public apology from Amazon, said Edina Lekovic, the group's communications director.

'We're very encouraged that (Amazon) is taking this seriously,' said Lekovic. 'But they have yet to issue a public apology. We won't consider this resolved until they do.'

Lekovic said a public apology is what Basarudin wants. She praised Amazon for responding quickly and being sensitive to the nature of the incident, but added that Amazon must go one step further with a public apology.

Amazon has spoken to Bellwether about quality control, and is not allowing it to sell copies of the Koran in the future, said Smith.

'This was an isolated, regrettable incident,' she added.
The Muslim Public Affairs Council is showing Islam at its worst: strident, intolerant, unforgiving. Amazon has handled the situation appropriately and should do no more; a public apology would only play into Islam's "our religion is holier/our people are holier" messaging strategy.

MPAC is urging its members to email Amazon demanding a public apology. Please email them requesting that they hold firm and not cower to religious extremism. Here's your contact:
Patty Smith
Director of Corporate Communications
Here's my email:
Dear Ms. Smith:

While it is unfortunate when any religious book is desecrated, Amazon's response to Assa Basarudin is appropriate and enough. Amazon should not cower to pressure brought by the Muslim Public Affairs Council for a public apology, especially given the terminology used on the MPAC Web site: "[Amazon has] a responsibility to loudly condemn such hateful rhetoric and take pro-active measures to enhance educational programs that foster religious tolerance."

By not accepting as sufficient the measures Amazon has taken, MPAC itself is fostering religious intolerance. Had this incident occurred at the corner used book shop, nothing would have been made of it, but because MPAC could attach the Amazon name, it is trying to create an incident out of something that has been satisfactorily resolved.

Please do not play into this shameless political pandering, and stand by your position that Amazon's sincere personal apology is all that is required.