Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, June 12, 2005

LAT Finds Anti-Patriot Act Repubs!

Just as it is famous for pre-election scandal bombs (think "Grope-inator"), the LATimes also has considerable talent in drudging up Republicans who don't support GOP legislative initiatives or policies. With the Patriot Act up for debate, crack LAT investigators have found anti-Patriot Act Republicans (here).

It's suspicious stuff. Like this:
The head of the American Conservative Union, David Keene, said he was upset that the administration appeared to be encouraging the Patriot Act provisions' renewal through the more secretive Senate Intelligence Committee, despite pledges of openness and of a willingness to consider compromise. ...

Keene is particularly upset with Atty. Gen. Gonzales, who has agreed in recent meetings with conservative activists, participants said, to the principle of open discussion and careful review of the Patriot Act before 16 of its most important provisions are renewed. ...

"I find it disquieting that he talks like he is a reasonable guy and then, when it comes down to it, acts like he is not," Keene said. "We need to know: Who is the real Gonzales?"
But go to the ACU's Web site and try to find anything against Gonzales, the Patriot Act or the Administration. It's not there. This is likely a quote out of context or a hard fought for quote on a minor inside baseball issue that's been blown out of proportion.

As to former Rep. Bob Barr, who is a hawk on fighting bogus separation of church and state issues, earning the ire of anti-Christian, pro-wicca-and-Satanist groups (here, here), he is a bit unusual for a conservative, in that he works with the ACLU. He is so far out there on privacy issues, he has left the GOP and conservative mainstream.

So the LAT found an inside baseball game and a conservative that is way over the top on one issue and cobbled together a theory that lots of Republicans are opposed to the Patriot Act. When was they last time they interviewed one of the millions of Democrats who are anti-gay marriage, or opposed to tax increases?