Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Dems: Please Don't Read This Editorial!

For those of us who are loving the outrageous chairmanship of Howie at the DNC, the lead LAT editorial today is not welcomed. Titled Leading With His Lip, the editorial blasts Howie and can be seen as a call for his resignation.
Dean presents a conundrum for embattled Democrats, who have lost control of the White House and Congress. There are two ways for them to think about him. One is that he's a reckless, emotional politician whose fiery remarks will stir up debate and help the Democratic Party. The other is that he's a reckless, emotional politician whose name-calling cheapens the national debate on issues and hurts his own party.

Judging by Dean's preposterous comments about all Republicans being rich and idle, and mostly white Christians to boot, the latter is inescapably the case. You can't be a good salesman if you spend your time insulting prospective customers, in this case people who haven't been voting Democratic.
And it gets our view of the DNC, the Dems and Howie's effect right:
So far, Dean has done a good job of pulling the party together — the Republican Party. His counterproductive message is a problem for the Democratic Party. And the fact that the opposition party is in too much disarray to seriously engage the issues is a problem for our democracy. We'd be equally concerned if it were the Republicans who'd turned to their own version of a Howard Dean for leadership.
Wow. Chairman Howie has such power he can even get me agreeing with the LAT editorial page!