Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Finally! The Bush-Nixon Connection

The LATimes has cobbled together the story I predicted it would, and titled it, "Watergate Weighs on Today's White House." My prediction was off by two days:
Reading the media's gushing over Felt, weighing the way they're playing this story, makes me feel they want to have Watergate all over again. They're seeing all sorts of Nixon/Bush parallels as they write and that's the stuff you'll read this Sunday.
I doubt of the Nixon-era scandle was ever more than the answer to a trivia question or two among the Bushies, but of course the LAT informs me otherwise, making these weighty points:
  • Cheney has worked to restore Executive privileges lost post-scandal, as evidenced by how he handled disclosure with the energy bill
  • Ditto with how Rummy's handled information at the Pentagon (not that dealing with a rabidly anti-war media had a part in this policy)
  • Tight control of media message is the result of the president watching his dad butt heads with the media during Watergate (the slide of the media into rudeness and partisanship has nothing to do with it)
Going, as usual, to liberal sources in its quest of fairness, LAT quotes Peter Schweizer, co-author of "The Bushes: Portrait of a Dynasty" saying secrecy has always been a bid deal with the clannish Bushes. Schweizer's with the Hoover Institute, a fair minded place if ever there was one. Next, to John Dean, who seemed to be searching for something intelligent to say, but aware that he was falling short.

No conservatives quoted, except for the White House spokesperson, in the last fleeting paragraph.

Wow, thanks, guys. You've really added to the debate. No, not the debate about the proper role of the Executive; the debate about why you don't just put "The Liberal Los Angeles Times" on your masthead and get it over with.