Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Rocky Mountain News On Churchill

Here's a good summary of the Rocky Mountain News' investigation into Ward Churchill with a hat tip to Buzz Machine, who hat tipped Instapundit:
At issue
Did Ward Churchill falsely accuse the U.S. Army of using smallpox as a weapon of genocide against American Indians?
Our findings
His claim cannot be supported by the sources he has cited.

At issue
Did Churchill commit plagiarism by publishing the work of others as his own?
Our findings
An essay he "prepared" for a book was actually taken from a Canadian scholar.

At issue
Did Churchill mischaracterize two important pieces of federal Indian law?
Our findings
His contentions about the Dawes Act of 1887 and the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 are incorrect.

At issue
Did Churchill misrepresent himself as having American Indian ancestry?
Our findings
His assertions that he is descended from Cherokee and Creek ancestors aren’t supported by extensive genealogical records.

Watch for the fall enrollment figures at Colorado. If they're down -- and they probably will be -- it's a sure sign that the university is putting "academic freedom" (the freedom to by a lying idiot and be paid by the public for it) ahead of survival.