Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, June 03, 2005

Biting The Hand That Overfeeds You

The IRS said yesterday that over three percent of federal employees haven't bothered paying income taxes on their salaries and cumulatively owe the IRS (or "owe us," to put it more succinctly) $1.9 billion dollars in past-due taxes.

Perhaps they are too busy being surly and unproductive to have time to file.

Here are deliquency rates at selected offices, starting with the highest and ending at the lowest reported:

7.01 percent at the Government Printing Office
5.87 percent at the Smithsonian Institution
5.55 percent at the National Science Foundation
5.03 percent at the House of Representatives
4.89 percent at the Education Department
4.24 percent at the U.S. Postal Service
4.00 percent at the U.S. Senate
3.13 percent at the Executive Office of the President
1.07 percent at the Internal Revenue Service

More here.