Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, May 09, 2005

Like That Creepy Feeling?

If you like that creepy feeling, you might want to visit this site,

Yes, there you'll find some of the top reasons like we should pursue human cloning, including:
Bad parents - Did your parents destroy your life? Were they alcoholic, child-beating molesters? Did you never have a chance? Interestingly, human cloning allows you the opportunity to participate in choosing the parents for your clone.
... and ...
Endangered species could be saved - Through the research leading up to human cloning we will perfect the technology to clone animals, and thus we could forever preserve endangered species, including human beings.
... and everyone's favorite reason:
Breast implants. Most people are aware of the breast implant fiasco in which hundreds of thousands of women received silicone breast implants for cosmetic reasons. Many came to believe that the implants were making them ill with diseases of their immune systems. With human cloning and its technology breast augmentation and other forms of cosmetic surgery could be done with implants that would not be any different from the person's normal tissues.
And the site is no slouch when it comes to confronting ethical controversy. Yes, they address the ten big myths about cloning, and there at the bottom is all you need to know about spiritual issues and cloning:
10. Human cloning is inherently evil: it can only be used for bad purposes by bad people. No, it's just a tool, just another way to create a family. A long legacy in science fiction novels and movies make the word "cloning" so fraught with bad connotations that it can hardly be used in any discussion that purports to be impartial. It is like discussing equal rights for women by starting to discuss whether "the chicks" would fare better with equal rights. To most people, "cloning" implies selfish parents, crazy scientists, and out-of- control technology, so a fair discussion using this word isn't possible. Perhaps the phrase, "somatic cell nuclear transplantation" is better, even if it's a scientific mouthful. So if we shouldn't call a person created by cloning, a "clone," what should we call him? Answer: a person.
So there. Nothing to worry about. What? You're still not convinced? Well, this should help:
Religious Freedom - At least two religions, the Raelian Religion and the Summum Religion, believe in cloning as one of their tenets.