Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Brian Gillis Justice: Some Progress!

If you haven't heard of the Brian Gillis case, read the post below first, then come back to this post. We've received some very exciting news by e-mail from Brian's mom:
Thank you so much. Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee has set
up a meeting with SLO Districy Attorney Gerry Shea for
this Thursday. It was supposed to have been today at
1:00 p.m., but Shea had to go out of town for some
unknown reason.

Blakeslee's office called me and let me know that even
though the assembly is on recess this week, Blakeslee
came in today and has been reading up on the
documentation provided to him so far and wants to try
and help as much as he can. If any of your contacts
want to get in touch with their own assemblyman and
urge him/her to support Blakeslee, that would be
PLEASE send an e-mail RIGHT NOW to Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee's office and thank him for his interest in the case. Ask him to do all he can to convince the DA that it's time for justice for Brian, and more than past time that those who murder by GHB know that they will be prosecuted for their crime.

Click here for the "Contact Sam Blakeslee" page on his Assembly Web site.