Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

That Confusing Morality Thing

I want to take a long, long, long shower with lots of soap. I've just read the DNC's "Kicking Ass" blog post about the Terri Schiavo case. These people are angry. And more importantly, these people are amoral.

We are obsessing -- rightfully -- on the moral issues raised by the Schiavo case, and the moral lessons to be learned from the actions of the husband, family and courts. We worry about the precedents that might be set, and study the related evils from the past.

They, on the other hand, do not raise moral issues at all. It's politics, all politics. This is the Dems first post-election opportunity to show that they know how to appeal to morality vote voters, and they're not even trying.

Worse, after the election, they tried to counter W's victorious "morality vote" surge by arguing that fighting hunger is a morality vote issue. You don't see that in their little blog today as they lift no finger to fight the hunger Terri's feeling. They said providing health care is a morality vote issue. That's not mentioned as they do nothing to ensure Terri is provided with even the most rudimentary health care. And the party that brings you radical feminism, gay marriage and the deterioration of Holy Matrimony is standing by the husband in this horrific married relationship.

The Dem-Blog

The Kick Ass entry itself is brief: An intro paragraph followed by links to a number of MSM editorials parrotting the missing Dem talking points memo on the Schiavo tragedy. The editorial passages included address only revulsion at political strategies employed by the GOP leadership with no analysis of ethics. The relatively small number of comments that follow it are worse, jibing this way and that from the core issues to fire off potshots at the president and Congress.

Here's the intro:
There can be no doubt that extreme Republicans have used the Terry Schiavo case to score political points. While they parade in front of cameras, millions of Americans are questioning how far Tom DeLay and Bill Frist are willing to go when it comes to interfering in difficult family matters. .. The outrage is palpable and widespread.
And here is a sampling of the 12 (that's all folks!) comments:
why can bush declare a war by limited information by executive order and fail to give the schiavo's family some relief to this tragedy by doing the same? [Declaring war?! On who?]

It's sad that the Repukelicans are making a political issue out of someone's tragedy. Like I said before my heart goes out to Terri Schiavo and her family. Her situation is unfortunate, sad, and tragic. Yet, it disgusts me big time that the Repooplican Party is turning Schiavo's tragedy into a political issue.

From the Terri Schiavo Legislation it would seem that the federal government should intervene when anybody's health is in danger, and assure adequate health care. In that case we should have universal health care. What is good for one should be good for all.

this whole case is shining example of the total lack of repect the Republicans and Religious freaks have for the LAWS of the Unitied States…WE MUST REMEMBER THIER NAMES!!
I feel sickened posting this. My heart is so heavy with the oppressive weight of what is happening to that poor woman, and it is only made heavier by the callousness of these people.

Once again, because Jesus always says it best:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for they will be filled.