Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Human Breathing and Global Warming

Fitting with all the coverage today of the Kyoto global warming treaty festivities that Greenie Watch has come up with this:
I've read that roughly 30% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emmisions are due simply in human respiration. In other words, the world just breathing emits more CO2 than all SUVs and powerplants combined. What I'd love to see compared is the emission rate for CO2 between an average, modern SUV driven a mile and the amount of CO2 exhaled by an average person riding his bicycle one mile. I would not be at all shocked to find out that the bicyclist emits more CO2 per mile than does a new you know of a site listing CO2 emissions per mile?
Our real worry: Under Kyoto 2, we will face breathing restrictions, but China will not.