Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Confrontational Evangelism

Steve at Double Toothpicks picked up a question I posed about what Christians were doing at a Philadelphia radical gay "OutFest" with bullhorns. You can read my querry and his very good response by scrolling down through his site.

On the way down, you'll see another post on the prosecution of these Christians, who face up to 47 years in prison if convicted of preaching loudly in public. Steve says what needs to be said:

Are you hearing this? Christians charged with FELONIES for exercising their First Admendment rights! It no longer matters that I question the propriety and efficacy of these Christians' quoting Bible verses at a 'gay' rally. What matters now is that, perhaps for the first time in our Republic, Christians are being viewed by a judge as not deserving of First Admendment liberties. A dangerous precedent? You bet.

This will soon no longer be a local case in a Blue State and Blue City hostile to Christians. It will very likely be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. And what does it mean that the DOJ will not "take up the cause of those now facing criminal charges?" Does it mean the federal government intends to stand back and let these Christians be railroaded?
You can learn more and contribute to the defense fund through American Family Association.