Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, January 07, 2005

Greens Deny Tsunami/Warming Link

Some greenies are denying statements attributed to them linking the tsunami to global warming. For example, this from Canada's Financial Post:

Re: Tsunami Truths, editorial, Dec. 30.

This editorial -- plus a commentary and an article in the Financial Post -- contained comments that were attributed to a Friends of the Earth executive, linking the earthquake-caused Southeast Asia tsunami to global warming.

Our group made no such link.

Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland provided a comment to the British newspaper The Independent, before Christmas on the dramatic increase in insurance claims resulting from hurricanes, droughts, floods and other events consistent with the expected effect of climate change.

The quotes appeared in a Dec. 27 article, but by this time it had been rewritten to be part of the coverage of the tsunami. Our group has never claimed that earthquakes can be caused by climate change. Our remarks were about climate change, not the tsunami.

Tony Juniper, executive director, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, London.
Now this presents an interesting quandry. Are the greens lying because they now realize how stupid their initial blurtings were ... or is MSM up to its old tricks of misrrepresentation through bogus editing? Either option is delicious.