Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, January 07, 2005

After the Tsunami, the Pedophiles

The following appeared in the Dallas Morning News on January 8:

TSUNAMI ORPHANS VULNERABLE TO PEDOPHILES -- Leave it to people to outdo nature in cold indifference to human suffering. In tsunami-ravaged Southeast Asia, pedophiles and child sex traffickers are preying on children left orphaned by the natural disaster.

Thai and Swedish police are searching for Kristian Walker, a 12-year-old Swedish tsunami orphan apparently taken from his hospital bed by a European stranger. Authorities believe the boy may have been kidnapped by one of the many pedophiles active in Thailand.

Many more native Asian children are vulnerable to individual pedophiles and the criminal networks that service them. Sadly -- horribly -- this is not new. The tsunami's aftermath only makes worse a situation that has existed for years in that part of the world, which is a tourist haven for foreigners seeking sex with children.

In 2003, President Bush signed a law making it possible for Americans who go abroad for child sex to be prosecuted in this country. Other nations have passed similar legislation, but Asian governments have been slow to respond in kind. Given the opportunity the tsunami disaster provides to the scum who abuse children, there has never been a more urgent need for Asian governments to act.
Yet some people still blame suffering on God. It couldn't be more clear that suffering comes from Satan, and from the sin and soul-sickness he uses to further his ends.