Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Schwarzenegger: Bring it on!

The Gov's State of the State speech was a bold challenge to California's Nero-esque Democratic Legislature to fix the ship of state or sink. They, of course, will have none of this fiscal responsibility nonsense, and vow to fight. Read the LATimes piece here.

Getting right to work, Schwarzenegger called a special session to start today to deal with:
  • Redistricting, so "safe seats" are eliminated, making California once again a state with electoral politics. Dems, watching Republican growth in the suburbs, want their safe seats more than ever.
  • Making the state's schools merit based. The teacher's unions would rather die that put their "tenure before merit/seniority before students" platform to a test. But it's time, way past time for just that test.
  • Revamping the state pension program to protect us from the kind of fiscal meltdown San Diego is now experiencing.
  • A limited prescription aid package for the most needed seniors. AARP and others are geared up to fight this because they want more, more, more.
Schwarzenegger, like Bush, has considerable political capital. But he's dealing with a Democratically controlled Legislature. Look for a lot of obstructionism and stupidity, followed by the Governor going out to hawk the signatures necessary to bring these matters to the people via propositions.
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