Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Free Pass for the Prius - Baloney!

Owners of the Toyota hybrid Prius automobile, and other hybrid owners, will be able to drive solo in California carpool lanes soon. All that's needed for them to smugly pull into the lane -- feeling oh so much more righteous than we gas-burners -- is Congressional action which is expected soon.

What a bunch of green baloney.

To see the hypocrisy of this undeserved reward to hybrid buyers, all one has to do is check out the EPA mileage figures of a Prius (here, click on "e-brochure" then "specifications"):

City: 60
Highway: 51

Because hybrids run on their electric motors more in stop-and-go traffic, they are more efficient (and clearner) in the regular, slower moving freeway lanes than in the carpool lanes.

Why should these guys get to burn MORE gas just because they bought a hybrid? Worse, why should they clog the carpool lanes, slowing down cars like my beautiful V8 and decreasing its gas mileage?

Answer: Greenthink.