Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, January 07, 2005

Moreno Makes OC Brunt of Jokes

When the NYTimes editorial page takes notice of how stupid Arte Moreno's proposed renaming of the beloved Anaheim Angels to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, you know he hit the Stupid Nerve big time.

Today's OCRegister has a wonderful compilation of all the barbs from Leno to The Economist. The whole thing is a hoot; here are a couple particularly good zingers:

The New York Times:
We have to ask, though, what team name in Southern California isn't nuts? The names 'Lakers' and 'Dodgers' made sense in Minnesota, land of lakes, and in Brooklyn, land of trolleys, but not in the land of Mickey and Goofy. Don't get us started on the Mighty Ducks.
The Late Late Show:
Host Craig Ferguson tried with little success on Tuesday's "Late Late Show" to design a new jersey for the team, hitting all the bases: "The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Orange County, California, U.S.A. (Not the Dodgers).
The first hearing on Anaheim's lawsuit is today. More at Anaheim's web site.