Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, November 19, 2004

Kerry's E-Mail to Supporters

Thank you, thank you, thank you, God, that John Kerry wasn't elected president! Here's an annotated version of what he told his supporters in an email (hat tip to one of my fabulous daughters):

"I want to thank you personally for what you did in the election — you rewrote the book on grassroots politics, taking control of campaigns away from big donors. (1) No campaign will ever be the same," Kerry wrote. "You moved voters, helped hold George Bush accountable (2), and countered the attacks from big news organizations such as Fox, Sinclair Broadcasting, and conservative talk radio." (3)

Kerry went on saying the Bush administration is planning "a right wing assault on values and ideals we hold most deeply" (4) and that diverse opinions are being "eliminated" from the State Department and CIA with the personnel reshuffling (5), and the Bush Cabinet is being remade to "rubber stamp policies that will undermine Social Security, balloon the deficit, avoid real reforms in health care and education, weaken homeland security, and walk away from critical allies around the world." (6)

(1) Everyone knows that big lefty donors like George Soros were a much larger factor in the Dem campaign than big conservative donors were in the Bush campaign.
(2) Do the words "political capital" ring a bell? Do the words "flip/flop" ring a bell?
(3) It always cracks me up when Dems complain about the media's conservative skew. He's Christmasing in Cambodia if he thinks they effectively countered conservative talk radio. Sinclair is tiny and the brouhaha around stopping the election-eve broadcast hurt Kerry more than it helped him. Fox is balanced ... not alway fair, per se, but balanced. If you're looking for examples of lefty bias in MSM, you know where to go.
(4) What values and ideals will that right wing assualt target? Killing unborn babies, judicial fiat, obstructing the prosecution of terrorists, skrewing up the economy with taxes ... oh, those values and ideals.
(5) Translate "diverse opinions" as "people who leak documents in order to tilt the balance towards Kerry." If the shoe were on the other foot....
(6) A nice refresher course in all the jargon that didn't work for Kerry in the election, and won't work for the Dems now. Just remember: Bush 60,608,582 - Kerry 57,289,074 .