Carona's Muslim Girlfriend?

We understand that after a few embarrassing blunders, Carona learned that the trick to dodging flying frying pans was to not look either woman in the eye, if you get my silicon-padded drift.
Meanwhile, in the serious world of crime and corruption, the scum factor just keeps growing:
The sudden death of Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Brad Warner after knee surgery in May 2001 was a gut punch to his colleagues.
Another punch came Thursday when deputies learned that top sheriff's officials are alleged to have made money off the $340,000 settlement given to Warner's widow in a medical malpractice suit against St. Joseph's Hospital.
Court records and a federal indictment against Sheriff Michael S. Carona allege that the sheriff and his top aides steered Warner's widow, Rosita, to attorney Joseph Cavallo. In exchange, according to the allegations, Cavallo paid a percentage of the October 2002 settlement to assistant sheriffs George Jaramillo and Don Haidl. ...
Carona was known for his caring touch at the funerals of fallen deputies. He could be stoic and tearful. The same jaw that jutted into the air at his court appearance would tremble ever so slightly at the funerals. He was strong yet caring. He even went so far as to buy gifts for the children of fallen officers.
At least that was his public persona. But the indictment paints a different picture of a man who with his friends allegedly schemed to profit off widows. (OCR)
Just another day on the dark side of politics ...
Labels: Carona, Corruption, Crimes, Politics
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