Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday Reading

Today's the day of the Coastal Commission hearing we've been working on for so long, so this will be quick.

Here are the fabulous blog posts I'm going to relax with as soon as the hearing's over. The Watcher will compile the Council's votes and you'll see the winners here Friday a.m.

Council links:

  1. What's in a Name? (Al-Qaeda Edition)
    The Glittering Eye
  2. North vs. South
    The Colossus of Rhodey
  3. Independence Day
    Done With Mirrors
  4. High Noonan
    Big Lizards
  5. High Class Terror
    Soccer Dad
  6. Baqubah Update From Michael Yon
    ‘Okie’ on the Lam
  7. Another Human Rights Attrocity In Malaysia
    Rhymes With Right
  8. Army Recruitment and the Influencers
    The Education Wonks
  9. Bad Medicine *BUMPED*
    Bookworm Room
  10. Hillary's Grand, Failed Cover-Up
    Cheat Seeking Missiles
  11. The NYT -- "Run Away! Run Away!"
  12. Success in a Vacuum
    Right Wing Nut House
Non-council links:
  1. Why Lefty Bloggers Are Owed a Living Redux
    Outside the Beltway
  2. Immigration: Back to You, King
    SCSU Scholars
  3. Anti-American July 4th
  4. Unhinged Anti-War Zealot Shoots Airman, Kills Self
    Michelle Malkin
  5. Interview With Todd Bensman
    View From a Height
  6. NYT Surrenders
    Don Surber
  7. All Haircut, No Cattle
    Mark's Soap Box
  8. Bureaucracy Always Puts Me To Sleep
    Classical Values
  9. Appreciating Snark
    The Paragraph Farmer
  10. Human Pre-History
    Sake White
  11. On Planet Appeasement
    Melanie Phillips
  12. Just Say 'No' to Nation Building
    Outside the Beltway (2)
  13. Alternatives
    The Possum Bistro
  14. China Is Killing Americans
    Alpha Patriot
Thanks again, Watcher!
