Amazing Reading

Topping the list was Demographics and the Medicalization of Human Existence from Eternity Road. It delves into the interplay between the Baby Boomer mindset, moral relativism and death -- legalized death. As we Boomers used to say many years ago, "Heavy, Man."
Next, Student Press Rights from The Colossus of Rhodey, which along with #3 Tinker Must Be Preserved from Rhymes With Right investigate the question of free speech rights in high schools. Colossus included some interesting parallels that showed the fallacy of left-think on this matter, which is why it edged out Rymes with Right for me.
Rounding out the rankings:
Tied at 3, 3 Card Monte -- the Palestinian aid Scam Continues, Joshuapundit
Tied at 4, ahem, NanFran's Cool Investments, Cheat Seeking Missiles and O Believers, Done With Mirrors
Tied at 5, Politicizing Science, Right Wing Nut House and Dollars (and respect) for Dahlan, Soccer Dad
And rounding out, tied at 6th, More Hollywood Idiocy: "Wristcutters: A Love Story," The Education Wonks and Greece and Mesopotamia: Origins of Greek Thought, The Glittering Eye
Each Council member also submits a non-Council post for review. Michael Yon won this assembly of great posts with Tabla Rosa, a history of his reporting from Iraq, and my favorite entry, Iranian Machinations: Sun Tzu Would Be Pleased by Kobayashi Maru, came in second. I thought Kobayashi's analysis of the current Iran/Britain confrontation was exceptionally lucid.
I also liked Flopping Aces' Still Spewing Moron Emissions: Sean Penn, a fondness which was a bit unrequited by the Council, but still, it's a very, very funny read.
You can see how the other non-Council submissions fared at Watcher of Weasels.
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