Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, March 30, 2007

Amazing Reading

The results of my first Watcher's Council vote for the most interesting blog entry of the week is in and it's pretty exciting to see that the two articles I liked best came in first and second.

Topping the list was Demographics and the Medicalization of Human Existence from Eternity Road. It delves into the interplay between the Baby Boomer mindset, moral relativism and death -- legalized death. As we Boomers used to say many years ago, "Heavy, Man."

Next, Student Press Rights from The Colossus of Rhodey, which along with #3 Tinker Must Be Preserved from Rhymes With Right investigate the question of free speech rights in high schools. Colossus included some interesting parallels that showed the fallacy of left-think on this matter, which is why it edged out Rymes with Right for me.

Rounding out the rankings:

Tied at 3, 3 Card Monte -- the Palestinian aid Scam Continues, Joshuapundit

Tied at 4, ahem, NanFran's Cool Investments, Cheat Seeking Missiles and O Believers, Done With Mirrors

Tied at 5, Politicizing Science, Right Wing Nut House and Dollars (and respect) for Dahlan, Soccer Dad

And rounding out, tied at 6th, More Hollywood Idiocy: "Wristcutters: A Love Story," The Education Wonks and Greece and Mesopotamia: Origins of Greek Thought, The Glittering Eye

Each Council member also submits a non-Council post for review. Michael Yon won this assembly of great posts with Tabla Rosa, a history of his reporting from Iraq, and my favorite entry, Iranian Machinations: Sun Tzu Would Be Pleased by Kobayashi Maru, came in second. I thought Kobayashi's analysis of the current Iran/Britain confrontation was exceptionally lucid.

I also liked Flopping Aces' Still Spewing Moron Emissions: Sean Penn, a fondness which was a bit unrequited by the Council, but still, it's a very, very funny read.

You can see how the other non-Council submissions fared at Watcher of Weasels.


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