Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Watcher's Council Nominees

I was humbled earlier this week to be nominated to Watcher of Weasels' Circle of Watchers. My job is to submit and review the 10 Circle members' nominations of the 20 best blog posts of the week -- one from each of the Circle members, and 10 from non-members.

Nice work if you can get it, eh?

So here are the 10 nominations from the Circle's members:

1. Josuapundit: 3 Card Monte - the Palestinian aid scam continues Joshuapundit reveals how aid to Palestine increased during the boycott of Palestine following the election of Hamas -- and that corruption is thriving as usual in Palestine.

2. Done With Mirrors: O Believers Can art and pain be separated? Why do artists make the choices they make?

3. Soccer Dad: Dollars (and respect) for Dahlan Another take on the Palestine Aid flimflam and how terrorism can really pay.

4. Right Wing Nut House : Politicizing Science here, Rick takes on the intersecting of science and political agendas as evidenced by the global warming controversy.

5. The Glittering Eye: Greece and Mesopotamia: Origins of Greek Thought OK, where else do you get to read about the connects and disconnects between poetry, thought and ideals in Greek and Mesopotamian?

6. Rhymes With Right: Tinker Must Be Preserved One of two solid posts on freedom of speech in public schools.

7. The Colossus of Rhodey: Student Press Rights Control bratspeech redux.

8. The scary nihilism of the Left: Bookworm Room Book finds a sympatico in Evan Sayet, another lefty turned conservative.

9. Eternity Road: Demographics And The Medicalization Of Human Existence My generation does not look good under Francis' hard examination. Our obcession with self and youth is leading to some very immoral thoughts regarding medicine and life.

10. The Education Wonks: More Hollywood Idiocy: "Wristcutters: A Love Story" Here's a new fun idea from Hollywood: A comedy about teen suicide. Ugh.

11. Big Lizards: “What the Meaning of "Fizz" Is” The AG AG pseudo-crisis laid bare in all its ridiculousness.

And ... ta-da!

12.Cheat-Seeking Missiles: NanFran's Cool Investments As Joshuapundit encapsulates me: "New guy Laer takes a fun look at the hypocrisy surrounding Nancy Pelosi's statements - as opposed to her actions that directly benefit her financially!"


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