Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Good Reason For Not Blogging

Regular readers know of my serious addiction to big German V8s. Introducing my new fix -- a white over tan 2005 645ci with 15,000 miles on the odo.

It took most of the day to do the paperwork and now I'm learning all -- and that's a Big A "all" -- there is to learn about the car. Should I program it so the seats recognize who's key is unlocking it and automatically adjusts the seats when the doors are unlocked ... or when the door is opened?

Should I have it chirp when it's locked, or just blink, or chirp or blink?

And then, of course, I have to synchronize my Bluetooth and teach the car to recognize my voice for a hundred or so commands for the phone, navigation, stereo and heat/AC systems.

Finally, I heard it's going to be cold tomorrow morning (that would be "SoCal cold"), and I can't wait to feel that heated steering wheel in my hands!

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