Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Dem's $1.5 Mil Take

Here it is: a comprehensive list from the Federal Elections Commission, of all the Dems who took contributions in the "Republican" Abramoff scandal. The amounts shown are the minimum; some could be larger.

I've highlighted a few I'm particularly gleeful about.

Democratic U.S. senators: Max Baucus (Mont.), $22,500; Evan Bayh (Ind.), $6,500; Joseph Biden (Del.), $1,250; Jeff Bingaman (N.M.), $2,000; Barbara Boxer (Calif.), $20,250; Maria Cantwell (Wash.), $21,765; Tom Carper (Del.), $7,500; Hillary Clinton (N.Y.), $12,950; Kent Conrad (N.D.), $8,000; Jon Corzine (N.J.), $7,500; Chris Dodd (Conn.), $14,792; Byron Dorgan (N.D.), $79,300; Dick Durbin (Ill.), $14,000; Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), $2,000; Russ Feingold (Wis.), $1,250; Tom Harkin (Iowa), $45,750; Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), $9,000; Tim Johnson (S.D.), $14,250; Ted Kennedy (Mass.), $3,300; John Kerry (Mass.), $98,550; Mary Landrieu (La.), $28,000; Pat Leahy (Vt.), $4,000; Carl Levin (Mich.), $6,000; Joe Lieberman (Conn.), $29,830; Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), $14,891; Barbara Mikulski (Md.), $10,550; Patty Murray (Wash.), $78,991; Bill Nelson (Fla.), $20,168; Ben Nelson (Neb.), $5,200; Barack Obama (Ill.), $7,500; Mark Pryor (Ark.), $2,300; Jack Reed (R.I.), $3,500; Harry Reid (Nev.), $68,941; John Rockefeller (W.Va.), $4,000; Ken Salazar (Colo.), $4,500; Paul Sarbanes (Md.), $4,300; Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), $29,550; Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), $6,250; and Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.), $6,250. Independent Sen. Jim Jeffords (Vt.), received $2,000.

Among political committees are the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which received, $423,480; Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, $354,700; and Democratic National Committee, $65,720.

Other listings included:

Patrick J. Kennedy (R.I.), $42,500; Patty Murray (Wash.), $40,980; Charles B. Rangel (N.Y.), $36,000; Harry Reid (Nev.), $30,500; Byron L. Dorgan (N.D.), $28,000; Tom Daschle (S.D.), $26,500; Democratic Party of Michigan, $23,000; Brad R. Carson (Okla.), $20,600; Dale E. Kildee (Mich.), $19,000; Steny H. Hoyer (Md.), $17,500; Tom Harkin (Iowa), $15,500; Democratic Party of Oklahoma, $15,000; Chris John (La.), $15,000; John Breaux (La.), $13,750; Frank Pallone, Jr. (N.J.), $13,600; Richard A. Gephardt (Mo.), $12,000; Mary L. Landrieu (La.), $11,500; Barney Frank (Mass.), $11,100; Max Baucus (Mont.), $11,000; Maria Cantwell (Wash.), $10,000; Democratic Party of North Dakota, $10,000; Nick Rahall (W.Va.), $10,000; Democratic Party of South Dakota, $9,500; Democratic Party of Minnesota, $9,000; Ron Kind (Wis.), $9,000; Peter Deutsch (Fla.), $8,500; Joe Baca (Calif.), $8,000; Dick Durbin (Ill.), $8,000; Xavier Becerra (Calif.), $7,523; Tim Johnson (S.D.), $7,250; Democratic Party of New Mexico, $6,250; Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii), $6,000.

David E. Bonior (Mich.), Jon S. Corzine (N.J.), Jay Inslee (Wash.), Democratic Party of Montana, Fritz Hollings (S.C.), Thomas P. Keefe, Jr. (Wash.), Barbara A. Mikulski (Md.) and Deborah Ann Stabenow (Mich.), $5,000 each; Earl Pomeroy (N.D.), $4,500; Tom Carper (Del.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Jerry Kleczka (Wis.), Sander Levin (Mich.), Robert T. Matsui (Calif.), George Miller (Calif.), $4,000 each; Kalyn Cherie Free (Okla.) and James L. Oberstar (Minn.), $3,500;

Charles J. Melancon (La.), $3,100; Jeff Bingaman (N.M.), Cal Dooley (Calif.), John B. Larson (Conn.), David R. Obey (Wis.), Ed Pastor (Ariz.), Nancy Pelosi (Calif.); Richard M. Romero (N.M.); Brad Sherman (Calif.); Bennie G. Thompson (Miss.), $3,000; Max Cleland (Ga.); Grace Napolitano (Calif.) and Henry A. Waxman (Calif.), $2,500 each; Bill Luther (Minn.) and Gene Taylor (Miss.), $2,250;

Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii); Ken Bentsen (Texas); Dan Boren (Okla.); Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn.); John D. Dingell (Mich.); Doug Dodd (Okla.); Ned Doucet (La.); Lane Evans (Ill.); Sam Farr (Calif.); John Neely Kennedy (La.); Carl Levin (Mich.); Blanche Lincoln (Ark.); Nita M. Lowey (N.Y.); Robert Menendez (N.J.); Adam Schiff (Calif.); Ronnie Shows (Miss.); Adam Smith (Wash.); Ellen O. Tauscher (Calif.); Mike Thompson (Calif.); Maxine Waters (Calif.), $2,000; Peter DeFazio (Ore.) and Norm Dicks (Wash.), $1,500 each;

John Kerry (Mass.), $1,400; Barbara Boxer (Calif.), Dennis Cardoza (Calif.), Hillary Clinton (N.Y.), Jim Costa (Calif.), Susan A. Davis (Calif.), Eliot L. Engel (N.Y.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Tim Holden (Pa.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Joe Lieberman (Conn.), Jim Maloney (Conn.), David Phelps (Ill.), Charles S. Robb (Va.), Brian David Schweitzer (Mont.); Pete Stark (Calif.); Gloria Tristani (N.M.); Derrick B. Watchman (Ariz.); Rick Weiland (S.D.); Paul Wellstone (Minn.) and Ron Wyden (Ore.), $1,000; Bob Borski (Pa.), $720; and Shelley Berkley (Nev.); Howard L. Berman (Calif.); Henry Cuellar (Texas); Democratic Party of Washington; Barbara Lee (Calif.); and Loretta Sanchez (Calif.), $500.

Total: $1,541,673.

The list is taken from a letter to the editor by Lee Bishop in the Dover Times Reporter. h/t OCBlog
