Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Who's The Dark Force - VP Or NYT?

In one of its finest exhibits of whining based on stupidity to date, the NYT opiners annonymously slam the second term of the Bush presidency today, and call for Bush to "retire" Cheney to the busy work of "attending funerals and acting as the chairman of studies." Here's their set up:
The place to begin is with Dick Cheney, the dark force behind many of the administration's most disastrous policies, like the Iraq invasion and the stubborn resistance to energy conservation. Right now, the vice president is devoting himself to beating back Congressional legislation that would prohibit the torture of prisoners. This is truly a remarkable set of priorities: his former chief aide was indicted, Mr. Cheney's back is against the wall, and he's declared war on the Geneva Conventions.
Cheneynoia is on a par with Rovenoia at the NYT. Is he a "dark force" because he dared to be CEO of a defense contractor? Because he supports the liberation of oppressed Iraqis? Or Kuwaitis? Or because he wants to protect us from immoral, bloodthirsty terrorists by exempting the CIA from the really insanely stupid restrictions McCain would put on interrogations?

No, it's because he has "declared war on the Geneva Conventions!" What idiots these MSM intellectuals are! The 100 people in our black prisons -- 100, for crying out loud! -- did not wear uniforms, did not declare war, did not fight by the rules of the Geneva Conventions. If they had, they would be protected, and Cheney would by happy to see to it that they were.

No, the dark force that is threatening this nation sits at word processors at places like the editorial offices of the New York Times, turning out pieces like today's editorial, which are so transparently anti-American it could have come out of the Damascus Daily News or the Pyongyang Post.