Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, November 28, 2005

Meathead Running?

Does Meathead want to follow Ahnold as Governor?

It looks like Rob Reiner has succeeded in placing his second initiative on a California ballot. The first one was directed at newborns through age five kids; the new one is targeted to preschoolers. Get moms to like you; get elected.

One million people actually signed Reiner's petitions calling for higher taxes on the wealthy in order to fund state preschool for all kids in California. Yeah, it's a Meatheaded idea, but look who's idea it is.

Reiner's name is frequently heard as a possible Dem candidate for governor, and in filing his petition signatures, he said, "We're building a very broad coalition and we're going about this in a very responsible way and we're not trying to shove something down people's throat by fiat."

Alpha Romeo, then. My throat's feeling quite jammed up despite his reassurances, which sound to me like they were issued by a Dem political machine.

Also appearing to be headed for the ballot despite my earlier prediction that Californians are wearying of initiatives:
  • Two initiatives would hike cigarette taxes by $1.50 a pack to $2.37. One would use the taxes to fund hospital emergency rooms; the other would give health insurance to uninsured children. Neither makes sense because there's no nexus between smoking and the proposed expenditures.
  • One initiative that would allow convicted sex offenders to be jailed indefinitely. Fine.
Less likely to qualify because funding is not yet nailed down are one initiative that would establish a state border patrol, and one that would enact new laws on identity theft.

(source, photo LATimes)